How it works

How MarSimple makes marketing simple

Feeling overwhelmed by the world of online advertising? You’re not alone. Between Google, Facebook, Instagram and the ever-growing landscape of digital platforms, getting your business noticed online can feel like a juggling act.

MarSimple is here to change that. We’re your all-in-one solution for automated advertising. MarSimple takes the guesswork and complexity out of reaching your ideal customers.

Think of MarSimple as your personal marketing autopilot. Here’s how it works.

Step 1: Fill out registration form (5 minutes)

Simply fill out a registration form that  takes about five minutes. The form  asks for information necessary to create your ads:

  • Your website 
  • Services/products that you’d like to advertise
  • Existing ads accounts – if you do not have an existing account, MarSimple will create it for you
  • Monthly Budget – how much you’re willing to spend. We recommend spending $1000 per month
  • Any unique value props that you’d like to call out in your ads

See below for an example form filled out by HealthMax Physiotherapy. The real budget is hidden to protect HealthMax’s privacy.

Screenshot of MarSimple registration form example filled out by HealthMax Physiotherapy
Example registration form


Step 2: MarSimple Launches Ads (1 week)

MarSimple takes about a week to review your registration form and set up your account. Our team may reach out to you to provide access to existing ad accounts. For example, if you already have a Google Ads account, we will request that you share account access to MarSimple. If you don’t have an account, not to worry, MarSimple will create one for you. 

Example of an account that provided access to MarSimple

Once the necessary access is provided, MarSimple takes the wheel. We’ll automatically create and launch targeted ads across top platforms like Google Search, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and more. Our platform starts your ads off on the most effective channel and ad format to generate leads/sales as quickly as possible. For most businesses, this tends to be Google Search Ads.

Example Google search ad generated by MarSimple for HealthMax Physiotherapy clinic
Example Google search ad generated by MarSimple for HealthMax Physiotherapy clinic

Step 3: Monitor Results with Weekly Report

To monitor how your money is being spent and what results are being achieved, you will receive a weekly email with results along with access to a dashboard report updated daily. The below screenshots are from an example report.

Screenshot of MarSimple advertising performance report
Screenshot of MarSimple advertising performance report

Please allow at least a month for MarSimple to test and learn what works best for your business. 


Grow your business with MarSimple

Grow with Marsimple